Action Plans

An Action Plan is intended to provide educational opportunities and accountability while also reducing the likelihood of future prohibited conduct. An Action Plan may include administrative, educational, and restorative components. Some conduct, however, is so egregious in nature or so damaging to the educational environment that it requires temporary or permanent removal from the Georgetown community, including Suspension or Dismissal.

An Action Plan typically consists of 1 or more status sanctions and/or 1 or more action items that is mutually developed through an Educational Conference Agreement, or assigned by a Decision Maker through an Administrative Conference. 

Status Sanctions describe the student’s relationship with the University due to the behavior, designed to address the harm caused by the student and actively engage the student in contributing positively to the Georgetown University community. Status sanctions can include any of the following:

  • Warning

  • Conduct Probation

  • Housing Probation

  • Property Party Restriction

  • Loss of Campus Housing

  • Suspension

  • Dismissal

Action Items are designed to address the harm caused by the student and/or actively engage the student to contribute positively to the Georgetown University community.
Action Items may be implemented individually or in combination with a status sanction and/or other action items. Action items can include any of the following:

  • Educational Initiatives can include:
    • Projects; participation in health or safety programs; service to the University or the larger community; seminars; apology letters; and other assignments as appropriate.
  • Participating in a university program
    • Off-campus Orientation
  • Loss of Privileges

  • Mentor Program

  • Restitution

  • Restorative Programs (used in Educational Conference Agreements only)

How are Action Plans Developed?

Action Plans are composed of specific action items, mentioned above. Each Action Plan is developed in collaboration with a Community Educator and takes into account the specific facts of the case, the severity of the violation, and any mitigating or aggravating factors. More serious violations may result in more significant consequences, such as conduct probation, housing probation, suspension, or dismissal. Once an Action Plan is finalized, the Action Items outlined in the agreement cannot be appealed, as they represent a mutual agreement between the student and the Community Educator.

In developing an action plan, the Community Educator or Decision Maker will consider the seriousness and impact of the prohibited conduct, previous outcomes for similar events, a Respondent’s history of disciplinary violations, and any other aggravating and mitigating factors.

Action Item Deadlines

Deadlines for completing Action Items are outlined in the Educational Conference Agreement or a Decision Maker’s administrative determination letter. Students are typically given 14 calendar days from the date they receive their resolution/administrative determination letter to complete any outstanding Action Item(s).

It is the responsibility of students to know their deadlines and complete their Action Items in a timely manner. The Office of Student Conduct will not provide reminder notices about Action Items. If an extension is needed to complete the Action Item(s), this request should be emailed prior to the deadline. Extension requests are granted at the discretion of the Director of Student Conduct.

Fines not paid by their deadline may be charged to the student’s account.

Failure to complete any of the requirements in an Action Plan within the established deadline may result in the student being charged with an additional violation of “Abuse of the Community Standards Process”, specifically, failing to satisfactorily complete action items included in an Educational Conference Agreement or an administrative determination by the specified deadline, or to adhere to the terms of a Status Sanction; and may be placed on more severe Status Sanctions along with the revocation of the student’s Senior Week participation privileges until the sanction is completed.