Medical Amnesty and Good Samaritan Policy

Statement of Purpose

Georgetown University considers the safety and personal well-being of the student body a priority. The University recognizes that there may be alcohol or other drug-related medical emergencies in which the potential for disciplinary action could act as a barrier to students who want to seek medical assistance for themselves or others.

The Medical Amnesty and Good Samaritan Policy is designed to enable students and their guests to seek professional medical treatment in an alcohol or other drug-related emergency by reducing the possible barrier of disciplinary consequences.

Statement of Policy

When a student or other individual seeks aid for an individual experiencing an alcohol or other drug-related emergency by contacting emergency services, such as the Georgetown Emergency Response Medical Service (GERMS) or the Georgetown University Police Department (GUPD), the patient and the individual(s) reporting the emergency will not be subject to disciplinary action for the following violations in the Code of Student Conduct:

  • Misuse of Alcohol;
  • Misuse of Drug and/or Paraphernalia – Presence & Possession and/or Use

However, in all incidents involving an alcohol or other drug-related emergency, the Office of Student Conduct will likely address other alleged violations of The Code through the community standards process.

If a Georgetown University Police Officer, Residential Living staff member, or other University official responds to an alcohol or other drug-related emergency, they will first seek medical care before documenting any other information related to the incident.  Throughout the entire incident, the individual’s prompt treatment and transport to an appropriate medical facility will remain the priority.  However, all information related to the incident will be documented by the responding University official(s) in a report and forwarded to the Office of Student Conduct.  The Office of Student Conduct will review the report and determine the appropriate application of amnesty.

Policy Provisions

  1. Jurisdiction – The Georgetown University Medical Amnesty and Good Samaritan Policy applies both on campus and off-campus.
  2. Resources – In the event of a medical emergency, students should always call GERMS (202-687-4357) or 911. For non-urgent information related to alcohol and other drugs, please visit Georgetown University Health Education Services.
    • Office Location:  1437 37th St. NW, Poulton Hall, Suite 101 Hours:  M – F: 9:00 AM – 5:00 PM
    • Phone (To Schedule Non-Urgent Appointments): 202-687-8949
Wellness Follow-Up
Any student who is medically evaluated as a result of an alcohol or other drug-related related emergency:
– Will be required to have a follow-up meeting with a B.A.S.I.C.S. Facilitator or other University official for a wellness assessment where the student’s behavior will be discussed in addition to possible referrals to other campus resources;
– Could be subject to additional wellness measures to better support the individual student and the overall community when the student has experienced multiple alcohol and other drug-related emergencies;
– Could be charged with “Failure to Comply” under the Code of Student Conduct if the student does not complete their wellness requirements.